Springtime, synonymous with new beginnings, is almost upon us. Being single during the spring thaw may bring feelings of awkwardness. You get online trying to find someone. Or you look for parties or events to go to in search of “the one.” Pressure is building up inside of you to find that special someone. You not only feel it from inside of you, but your family and friends are also wondering why you’re still single. This doesn’t make you feel good.
I know how you feel—I’ve been there myself. I’ve been lonely during this time of year and I felt lots of pressure to find someone before summer came with all its parties and BBQs. To overcome the challenges of being alone and to date with success, here are some tips and tools that will help you succeed at dating and love.
- Take up a hobby. The ushering in of warmer weather is a time to start fresh. What is something you’ve always wanted to do and never had time? Salsa dancing? Skiing? Rock climbing? Spanish lessons? Yoga? Taking up a hobby allows you to ignite that passion inside of yourself, and meet single people who are also passionate about the same thing. I had a client, Adam, who followed my advice and met his dream woman from his hobby. They have been together for over 2 years now and are madly in love.
- See dating as an adventure. Release the pressure to find someone. Before you go out or on a date, say to yourself, “I am going to have fun. I don’t know if this person is the one. I am happy to see what happens.” When you can date with adventure, you don’t know what’s going to happen. This mental attitude allows you to surrender to the dating process, and you never know when you will meet this person.
- Say yes to invitations. Is someone inviting you to a party? Is there a networking event that seems interesting? The more you put yourself out there, the more you can be seen. Meeting you in person—instead of online—allows a person to see and feel how awesome you really are.
There are great people EVERYWHERE. It’s just a matter of time when you meet this person as long as you have a clear picture of what you are looking for.