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Ladies: Does YOUR “Fitness Style” and Attire Need a Makeover?

on April 10 | in Cover, Fashion, Issue 15, The Women of MG | by | with No Comments

Does your fitness attire need a makeover?

I’m not one of those people that dress up to go to the gym; the gym is meant for sweating and being comfortable.

Comfortable does not mean that you show up in your pajamas or T-shirts with holes, looking like a Gruyere cheese! You can still infuse a little fashion and personal flair in your workout clothes; there are plenty of lines that are geared toward just that.

“Still, while you are working up a sweat, your main focus should be at doing your best to then get the very most out of each workout.”

Spring is around the corner and many will hit the gym to try and shed the few pounds they put on during the winter. Along with lining up for the machines comes the inappropriate gym etiquette and fitness faux pas being perpetrated at an annoying frequency. It sometimes amazes me what people will wear when they are doing their workout programs.

Say No!:

No to tiny shorts

You see those tiny shorts fitness models are squatting in online and in ads? Yep, those aren’t for you!


No to 80s flashback


No to cleavage-baring tops, push up bras, or see-through tops!

The treadmill or the yoga mat is no place for cleavage. Fake or real, do not exploit your assets where they shouldn’t be. Wardrobe-malfunction fears would keep you from lifting weights over your head! To avoid flashing everyone at the gym, check your top view from a variety of different angles: bend forward, reach and lean sideways, and do jumping jacks to assess the bounce factor.


A No! No!

No to see-through yoga pants.

I love Lululemon as much as the next yogi girl, but let’s face it—they brought attention to the problem of cheaply made black yoga pants in this country. Lulu is not the only offender of the see-through rear back. There was even a lawsuit against Lululemon. The suit claimed that between March and June 2013, executives at Lululemon (LULU) failed to disclose “quality defects in the Luon yoga pants…resulted in part from Lululemon’s efforts to cut costs in order to raise profit margins to the detriment of product quality and brand reputation.”

Ladies, please invest in a quality pair of pants and do the bend over before buying yoga pants. Don’t rely solely on the price tag or the brand.

“People don’t have to know the color of your thong or that you are going commando.”


No to excess jewelry and makeup

I know that most women care about how they look, including when they are exercising. I have seen many of them wearing makeup at the gym. And when I say makeup I mean heavy Picasso-like makeup!

“Ladies, the gym is meant for sweating, meaning your pores need to sweat freely without being clogged!”

Active makeup means very little makeup. If you can’t skip it, try a tinted moisturizer, tinted lip butter, eyebrow gel, and a waterproof mascara, but beware of raccoon eyes when you start sweating!


No to BIG hair styling

Simple—pull your hair out of your face! Your hair should not be down unless you are a Broncos cheerleader!


Now that you ladies know what not to wear to the gym, it is essential that you know what to wear. While the club isn’t a fashion show, it is still important to look good, feel good, and have confidence. Wearing the right gym attire will give you all the confidence you need to keep up your workout routine.

Steer away from too tight or baggy clothing. Wear the right undergarment, wear bottoms based on the type of exercise you will be doing at the gym, and wear the right footwear.

As always, your comments are welcome! If you need help updating your style and wardrobe, contact me at:

Stay tuned for Leila’s follow-up article on what is sensible yet chic attire for a gladiatrix at the gym.

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