Maximus is an ancient Roman name derived from the same Latin word meaning “greatest.”
Maximus is used by MG (Modern Gladiator) as symbol of strength, endurance, and uniformed balance. He serves as a reminder to consistently strive to reach our “greatest” potentials in life.
His sleek, contemporary helmet represents an appeal for us to recognize the modern times in which we live, inherent with its complexities and “new world” issues.
His gladiator form and penetrating eye represent a time when men battled their issues in the arena with determination, grit and sheer will.
We believe that today, our “arena” symbolizes the issues that we confront on a daily basis. Old world values and determination can still be used to tackle our complex and modern day issues.
Maximus stands as a representation of our core beliefs and philosophy of being a modern day gladiator.
Therefore, you will see him as a representative of MG in all that we stand behind.
Maximus is the face of Modern Gladiator.
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