The Modern Gladiator | A Man's Guide to Living

MG Magazine Presents: Empower Vitae!

on September 8 | in Defining the Modern Gladiator, Issue 17 | by | with No Comments

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

– Oprah


How’s the “adventure” of your Modern Gladiator life so far?

Are you living the life of your dreams as a gladiator or gladiatrix? Do you have a passion and a zest for life? Do you know what gets your blood flowing and your heart pumping? Do others feel your energy oozing off of you? Are you living large? If not, why not?

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation,” according to Henry David Thoreau. And Oliver Wendell Holmes lamented, “Alas for those that never sing, and die with their song in them.”

We get just one life to live, one “safari” if you will. Do you have a “song” and are you singing it? Is yours an empowered life or one of “quiet desperation”?

“Life is either an adventure or nothing.”

– Helen Keller


We all possess a supernatural power: the power of choice.

We can choose a life of adventure. Ultimately that is the only difference between Oprah or Helen Keller and you and me. They chose to see life as an adventure.

So, what do you need in order to embark on your life of adventure?


Do you need some fellow gladiators to go with on safari?

Do you need some motivation to take the first step? Maybe you just need some tips, training, or education. Maybe you could just use some empowering. Then our new gathering—Empower Vitae—is for you.


“Vitae” is Latin for life. “Empower” is English for…what we all need to live a more fulfilling life. Gladiators live an empowered life. Check out the details about our first upcoming Empower Vitae event.


Exercise your supernatural power—choose an empowered life!

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